Monday, June 13, 2011

Opposites attract

My friend, the Right Reverend, suggested that we cyclists might want to take the long route, the 2 hour commute, the windy, oft not beaten path, to work. I got on a path, then an alley, which T'd into another alley which led to this, precisely.

This is the Summum temple, a religious organization that I appreciate for fighting to have their beliefs, "aphorisms," posted alongside the city erected and endorsed Ten Commandments in a couple of Utah towns.  While I'm not really a fan religions, I do support challenges under the Establishment Clause regardless of who brings it.  Their revenue comes principally from mummification, mostly of pets, from what I hear. They are fairly community minded with a radio station and a well kept grounds, fancy fence.

Sure, I've been here before, but not by this route and not with my sense of discovery quite so keen. I noticed this:

Right across the street, and I'm talkin' sixty feet away, I noticed what has to be the most bombed corner in SLC.

Crazy mish mash overlay chaos across the street from total control now and in the hereafter.

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